Electricity is an Expense.
Knowledge is Power.

By understanding your energy consumption, Naya Energy can help your business turn energy into an asset instead of an expense.  

Understanding Your Electric Bill

If you’re hit with confusion every time you read your electricity bill, you're not alone. Your electricity bill was not made confusing by mistake.

For years, utility companies have painted a vague explanation as to how and when demand charges are implemented. When you do find out, it’s usually too late

Let's Break Down Your Electric Bill

Every month you receive an electricity bill that comes in two parts:


= (total monthly energy use) X (your energy rate)

US average energy charge:
11 cents / kilowatt-hour


= (total energy use in a given "demand interval") X (your demand rate)

US average demand charge:

What are Demand Charges? 

Demand charges usually make up 30 to 70 percent of most commercial customers' electricity bills. For years, utilities have charged businesses a demand charge for their "peak energy use" on top of their regular energy bill. 

Utilities track your company's energy usage during any of thousands of “demand intervals” that make up your billing cycle, and charge more during the worst "peak" for that given "demand interval". 

How to Calculate your Demand Charges?

Demand charges are based on the highest 15-minute average energy usage recorded within a given month. Utilities measure your average power "demand" (kilowatts) in 15-minute time-frames throughout your monthly billing cycle. The reported peak-kilowatt level is then multiplied by a specific rate, which determines your demand charges.

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